Bears Sitges Week 2024 logo

Bears Sitges Week 2024

2024-08-30 — 2024-09-08 (10 days)

Event Overview:

Bears Sitges Week, despite its name, spans 10 days and is one of the largest and most diverse Bear events globally, attracting over 8,000 participants. The event transforms Sitges into a vibrant “Vila Bear” with various recreational and cultural activities, famous theme nights at the Bear-Village, and Bear routes through selected bars, all set against the beautiful seaside backdrop.


• August 30 to September 8, 2024

• Bear-Village open from September 2 to 8

Program Highlights:

• Daily activities and themed events

• Official program activities require ticket purchases through indicated links


• Bear-Village is located at the end of Bonaire Street.

Bears Sitges logo
Bears Sitges