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Berlin Cigarmen

Join the esteemed gathering of cigar aficionados at Berlin Cigarmen, your go-to event for an elevated smoking experience amidst the vibrant atmosphere of Berlin's BLACKWEEKEND.

Scheduled for November 1, 2024, this monthly rendezvous takes place in the relaxed and welcoming environment of our Gay Cigar Lounge at Pussycat, Kalckreuthstraße 7, Berlin. Celebrated as the largest gay cigar social in Europe, BERLINCIGARMEN invites both BLUF members and cigar enthusiasts with no specific dress code, ensuring a comfortable and inclusive setting for all.

With a selection of fine cigars on sale, this event promises an unforgettable evening of camaraderie and luxury. Whether you're looking to make new connections or simply enjoy a good cigar with friends, BERLINCIGARMEN offers the perfect backdrop for an enriching social experience.

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Male Space